Interior Inspiration: Q&A with Vancouver’s Occupy Design

April 21, 2014

Jen Eden, the face of the award-winning interior design firm Occupy Design, is the talented visionary behind the interiors of our Oak Townhomes. We caught up with her to talk home decor trends, organization tips, and her design inspiration.

What was your inspiration for the interior design of the Oak Townhomes? 
The architecture of the Oak homes is truly stunning – we fell instantly in love when we first saw the initial sketches. When it came to the interiors, we had a lot to live up to. We wanted to create something that was timeless and elegant, while still clean lined and modern. It became a balance of materials to create the aesthetic. 

What is your favourite design feature of the Oak Townhomes? 
The kitchens are an obvious one – they are gorgeous and so functional. I would love to cook in there. However, my favourite feature is the lower floor flex space. I love that there is an opportunity to have a more casual entertainment space outside of the main living room. 

Do you have any tips on stylish storage options? 
I love baskets! They’re great for quick clean ups (especially toys), and items can be put away easily, yet still remain accessible. A basket can also give plenty of warmth and texture to a space. 

What are the top design trends you’re seeing for the spring season?
Trend wise for spring we’re going to be seeing pops of colours (purples for sure) along with more pattern. Less concern about things matching- this may be a reach for us Vancouverites! We are also seeing a larger presence of lighter toned woods, especially in furnishings. Warmer metals- brass, copper and gold- are also making a strong appearance in furniture, accessories and even fixtures. This is a trend you will notice at the Oak Display Home.

What is your favourite home decor store in the area?
The list of places I love to shop at in Vancouver is fairly extensive. The Oak Townhomes are a quick drive away from South Granville. There you’ll find 18 Karat, a store that is hard to go into and come out empty handed!

What do you think is the biggest challenge people face when creating a look for their home?
I think the bigger purchases are hardest, as they come with the longest commitment. Another thing we see people struggle with is consistency. It’s easy to like a lot of different styles, but that doesn’t mean they all belong in one room together. It’s best to stick to a plan.

Where can we learn more about your work?
You can check us out on the web at and on Facebook here.

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